

ROFL. "Any" key!

Tomorrow's CT is History, my "favourite" subject.
Yesterday, went out with my friends to Changi Airport to "study"
"study" as in "playing" . I only manage to memories this when "playing" or "study"
Here it goes ...

Japanese Occupation -
Following the British surrender, Japanese Occupation of Singapore ended over a 100years of British colonialism. Singapore became a Japanese colony know as (syana-to)? or south of light. & blahblah urged people to speak Japanese language, use Japanese calender & be loyal to Japanese Emperor. Something like that. &i can't remember the rest of all.

International events -
The first International event was that Industrial revolution (1750-1850s) that increased trade & communication in Singapore . Worst i forgot -.,-

See! At least i can get a few marks!
Odonkey, off to memories more History notes! :D